40 years ago, Schoolhouse Rock! was produced by ABC and changed the lives of people around the globe. Helping kids learn math and vocabulary through catchy songs and lyrics, the program has been used as a teaching tool by countless teachers to get their point across.
One of the best places to use Schoolhouse Rock! is the history class, specifically the America Rock songs. While they are only limited to the American Revolution, the documents and setup of the American Government, and the Manifest Destiny of the West, they are some of the easiest ways for students to learn the major points of their American history unit. The songs are short but show an insight into the events in ways no historian could better do it; they provide names, dates, historical context and background from all the subjects they serenade about. It's also a way to keep your students awake during class; I have never seen someone who doesn't love watching Schoolhouse Rock! instead of taking notes.
Above all else, it can help kids see that history isn't just a shallow topic with lots of reading and nothing else; they can see that someone out there was inspired to create these videos because they loved history, and it may help some see that they like history too. By educating kids through something they themselves would enjoy, it can create a lasting impact on their minds as they develop. Besides, I'm pretty sure every student, be it young or old, wouldn't give up a few minutes to hear a song about how America was created.
I saw the programs myself in Ms. Kathy's 5th grade class and in Mr. Benedict's AP US History class, as well as several history classes in between, before, and after, and I have never been bored of them. So show the videos to your students! I'll post some of the songs below, and it's up to you to decide whether you want your students to be bored by a lecture or singing the Preamble of the Constitution.
The Preamble
The Shot Heard 'Round The World
No More Kings
-Pharaoh Noh-Tyep
All videos found on YouTube. Schoolhouse Rock! is owned by ABC.
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