It can be hard to stay awake in history class. Outside of other classes, as students's life can be hard to handle, and sleep may be on the lower echelon of importance. So, if you see a student beginning to nod off in class, there's an easy solution for you to keep them up and at 'em!
When people become sleepy, it may be due to a lack of sleep or a lack of sound, or both. Oftentimes it's very hard to pay attention and stay awake, so it's up to the teacher to do two things: Speak Louder and Keep the Student Awake. For the former, this is explained in the very first post on this blog; you can find it in the HF archives. For the latter, what I want you to do is just find the sleepy student, and keep them awake as much as possible; this can included asking them questions, forcing them to move around by coming up to the board to answer a question, or just downright embarrassing them in front of their peers. In all of these cases, the student will be forced awake enough that they won't nod off again (and for the last, they'll be too embarrassed to do so). If multiple students are going to sleep, I'd check your lesson plan to make sure it isn't droning, but you can kill two birds with one stone by pointing them all out to the class at the same time. Basically, you're the teacher; if they sleep, they're getting embarrassed. I guarantee that this'll work; I once nodded off in German, and after Frau Ross made me do 10 pushups in front of the class, I didn't fall asleep again! I also blushed really badly! So, go for it! RUIN THEIR LIVES TO TEACH THEM HISTORY!
(Don't actually ruin them, but make sure they're learning what they need to)
-Pharaoh Noh-Tyep
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